Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pasta Recipes Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies

Pasta Recipes Biography

Source Link Goggle.com.pk

Pasta is a staple food[1] of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily.[2] It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta dishes. Typically pasta is made from an unleavened dough of a durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets or various shapes, thencooked and served in any number of dishes. It can be made with flour from other cereals or grains, and eggs may be used instead of water. Pastas may be divided into two broad categories, dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca). Chicken eggs frequently dominate as the source of the liquid component in fresh pasta.[citation needed]
Most dried pasta is commercially produced via an extrusion process. Fresh pasta was traditionally produced by hand, sometimes with the aid of simple machines,[3] but today many varieties of fresh pasta are also commercially produced by large scale machines, and the products are widely available in supermarkets.
Both dried and fresh pasta come in a number of shapes and varieties, with 310 specific forms known variably by over 1300 names having been documented.[4]In Italy the names of specific pasta shapes or types often vary with locale. For example the form cavatelli is known by 28 different names depending on region and town. Common forms of pasta include long shapes, short shapes, tubes, flat shapes and sheets, miniature soup shapes, filled or stuffed, and specialty or decorative shapes.[5]
As a category in Italian cuisine, both dried and fresh pastas are classically used in one of three kinds of prepared dishes. Aspasta asciutta (or pastasciutta) cooked pasta is plated and served with a complementary sauce or condiment. A second classification of pasta dishes is pasta in brodo in which the pasta is part of a soup-type dish. A third category is pasta al forno in which the pasta incorporated into a dish that is subsequently baked.[6]
Pasta is generally a simple dish, but comes in large varieties because it is a versatile food item. Some pasta dishes are served as a first course in Italy because the portion sizes are small and simple. Pasta is also prepared in light lunches, such as salads or large portion sizes for dinner. It can be prepared by hand or food processor and served hot or cold. Pasta sauces vary in taste, color and texture. When choosing which type of pasta and sauce to serve together, there is a general rule that must be observed. Simple sauces like pesto are ideal for long and thin strands of pasta while tomato sauce combines well with thicker pastas. Thicker and chunkier sauces have the better ability to cling onto the holes and cuts of short, tubular, twisted pastas. The ratio of sauce to pasta varies according to taste and texture, however traditionally the sauce should not be excessive as the pasta itself must still be tasted. The extra sauce left on the plate after all of the pasta is eaten is often mopped up with a piece of bread.[7]In the 1st century BC writings of Horace, lagana (Sing.: laganum) were fine sheets of fried dough [12] and were an everyday foodstuff.[13] Writing in the 2nd centuryAthenaeus of Naucratis provides a recipe for lagana which he attributes to the 1st century Chrysippus of Tyana: sheets of dough made of wheat flour and the juice of crushed lettuce, then flavoured with spices and deep-fried in oil.[13] An early 5th century cookbook describes a dish called lagana that consisted of layers of dough with meat stuffing, a possible ancestor of modern-day lasagna.[13] However, the method of cooking these sheets of dough does not correspond to our modern definition of either a fresh or dry pasta product, which only had similar basic ingredients and perhaps the shape.[13] The first concrete information concerning pasta products in Italy dates from the 13th or 14th century.[14]
Historians have noted several lexical milestones relevant to pasta, none of which changes these basic characteristics. For example, the works of the 2nd century AD Greek physician Galen mention itrion, homogeneous compounds made up of flour and water.[15] The Jerusalem Talmud records that itrium, a kind of boiled dough,[15]was common in Palestine from the 3rd to 5th centuries AD,[16] A dictionary compiled by the 9th century Arab physician and lexicographer Isho bar Ali[17] defines itriyya, the Arabic cognate, as string-like shapes made of semolina and dried before cooking. The geographical text of Muhammad al-Idrisi, compiled for the Norman King of Sicily Roger II in 1154 mentions itriyya manufactured and exported from Norman Sicily:
"West of Termini there is a delightful settlement called Trabia.[18] Its ever-flowing streams propel a number of mills. Here there are huge buildings in the countryside where they make vast quantities of itriyya which is exported everywhere: to Calabria, to Muslim and Christian countries. Very many shiploads are sent."[The art of pasta making and the devotion to the food as a whole has evolved since pasta was first conceptualized. “It is estimated that Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta per person, per year, easily beating Americans, who eat about twenty pounds per person.”[28] Pasta is so beloved in the nation of Italy that individual consumption exceeds the average production of wheat of the country; thus Italy frequently imports wheat for pasta making. In contemporary society pasta is ubiquitous, and individuals can find a variety of types in local supermarkets. With the worldwide demand for this staple food, pasta is now largely mass-produced in factories and only a tiny proportion is crafted by hand. However, while pasta is made everywhere, “the product from Italy keeps to time-tested production methods that create a superior pasta”.[28]
Pasta was originally solely a part of Italian and European cuisine owing to its popularity there. With an increase in popularity on a world-wide scale, pasta has crossed international borders and is now a popular form of fast food and a staple in North America and elsewhere. This is due to the great amount of Italian immigration into Canada and the United States around the beginning of the 20th century. Similarly an immense immigration of Italians into South Africa ensured that spaghetti and meatballs became an essential part of South African cuisineSince the time of Cato, basic pasta dough has been made mostly of wheat flour orsemolina,[4] with durum wheat used predominantely in the South of Italy and soft wheat in the North. Regionally other grains have been used, including those from barley, buckwheat, rye, rice, and maize, as well as chestnut and chickpea flours. In modern times to meet the demands of both health conscious and coeliac sufferersthe use of rice, maize and whole durum wheat has become commercially significant. Grain flours may also be supplemented with cooked potatoes.
Beyond hens' eggs and water, liquids have included duck eggs, milk or cream, olive or walnut oil, wine, ink from octopus, squid or cuttlefish, and even pigs' blood. Other additions to the basic flour-liquid mixture may include vegetables purees such as spinach or tomato, mushrooms, cheeses, herbs, spices and other seasonings. While pastas are, most typically, made from unleavened doughs, the use of yeast-raised doughs are also known for at least nine different pasta
 Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recies  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies
Pasta Recipes  Recipes For Kids In Urdu For Desserts For Dinner For Chicken With Ground Beef Clipart In Hindi For Cakes For Cookies

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